4킬로 14,000칼로리 버거 도전!!!
한 3년 전에 저희 친구 댄이랑 같이 런던에서 제일 큰 버거를 찾아서 도전해봤는데요. 저희가 이번주에 먹어본 버거에는 쨉도 안되더라고요. 이번주에는 진짜로 레알! 영국에서 제일, 괴물같이 큰 버거에 도전해봅니다! 그리고 간식으로 맛있는 크리스피크림 도넛 버거도 같이 먹었어요^^
About 3 years ago we tried what we thought was London's Biggest Burger with our friend Dan. This week we discover how wrong we were, and we take on the challenge of what must be the biggest, most monstrous burger in the UK.
Oh, and we also ate a Kispy Kreme donut burger. Which was delicious ^^
About 3 years ago we tried what we thought was London's Biggest Burger with our friend Dan. This week we discover how wrong we were, and we take on the challenge of what must be the biggest, most monstrous burger in the UK.
Oh, and we also ate a Kispy Kreme donut burger. Which was delicious ^^
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