주식실패담 70 - 52살 반백년의 나이 Stock failures 70 - 52 years old Half a year

주식실패담 70 - 52살 반백년의 나이 

Stock failures 70 - 52 years old Half a year

주식 실패담.... 반백년의 나이가 되었지만 인간은 변하지 않아.... 하루하루 시간은 가고 나이는 한살씩 먹는데, ... 벌써 50대.

It is half a hundred years old, but human beings do not change .... I go to a day and a day and eat aged one year old ... already in my fifties.

​(클릭하면 영상이 재생됩니다)
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Stocks for the general public seems to be very difficult.
The stock is as important as the flower of the capitalist society, but it is true that it is hard to recommend it because it may be good for the person, or it may come to ruin.

I hope this post helps you.

I want to be comforting for someone, and for someone to be a force to live the world again.

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