족발을 처음 먹어본 마블영웅들의 반응!!
이번주에는 마블영웅 시리즈 [아이언 피스트]의 주인공들과 함께 홍대에 족발을 먹으러 갑니다!! 외국에서 잘 안 먹는 족발을 처음 먹어보니까 엄청 좋아하더라고요 ㅎㅎ 그런데 족발이 아무리 맛있어도 한국까지 왔는데 그냥 족발 한가지만 소개해주긴 좀 아쉬워서 매운족발도 같이 도전해봤어요!! 그리고 아이언 피스트 주인공들을 위한 주먹-밥까지!! 이번 편도 재밌게 봐주셨음 좋겠어요!!^^
This week we meet the actors from Marvel's superhero show "Iron Fist" in Korea and take them to try Korean Pigs Feet!! Of course we wanted to give them the full experience, so after trying the succulent pigs feet by itself, we tried the extremely spicy version, and had some "Fist Rice Balls" to help us recover!!
This week we meet the actors from Marvel's superhero show "Iron Fist" in Korea and take them to try Korean Pigs Feet!! Of course we wanted to give them the full experience, so after trying the succulent pigs feet by itself, we tried the extremely spicy version, and had some "Fist Rice Balls" to help us recover!!
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