떡볶이빵을 먹어본 영국남자의 반응은?!?
지난주에 올리아빠 시리즈가 막을 내렸는데요, 올리 아버님은 먼저 영국으로 돌아가시고, 한국에 며칠 더 머물게 된 저희는 뭘 먹을까 고민하다가 파리바게트에서 "떡볶이빵"을 판다고 들었어요! ‘파리’바게트 이지만 매우 한국스러운 빵집에서! 얼마전에 완전 매운 떡볶이 먹고 완전 박살났었는데… 떡볶이‘빵’은 어떤 맛일지 궁금해서 올리랑 같이 먹어보기로 했어요! 유럽에선 절대 찾아볼 수 없는 맛이었죠!! 아무튼 이번 영상도 재밌게 봐주셨음 좋겠어요~!! :)
So last week was the last episode of Ollie's Dad in Korea :(
But before we went home we stayed around in Korea for a few more days and filmed another episode! We heard that "Paris Baguette" was selling a Ddukbokki (spicy korean rice cakes) bread... and had no idea what that meant but having heard that it tasted really good, we decided to go and try it out!! Can Ddukbokki and bread really work together!? We try it out so you don't have to!! ^^ Enjoy!
So last week was the last episode of Ollie's Dad in Korea :(
But before we went home we stayed around in Korea for a few more days and filmed another episode! We heard that "Paris Baguette" was selling a Ddukbokki (spicy korean rice cakes) bread... and had no idea what that meant but having heard that it tasted really good, we decided to go and try it out!! Can Ddukbokki and bread really work together!? We try it out so you don't have to!! ^^ Enjoy!
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